Because we have to celebrate every victory.
Category: Feminism
Ellements of Film: The Last Jedi
Yes, it’s been almost a year. That’s why this is going to be very. very. thorough.
Sexy Halloween Costumes IV: The Stockholming
Because at this time of year we witches scream. Not for fright, but in rage.
Get Past Your Magikarp Phase, Or Internalized Misogyny and Pumpkin Spice Lattes
The Venn Diagram of Victims and Victimizers
Because there IS overlap and we need to learn to admit it.
Mollie Tibbetts, Immigration, and Male Violence
Or, “why are you only concerned about male violence when it’s done by an immigrant?”
This is America
Roseanne vs. Puerto Rico: A Fight Where All of Us Lose
Because if we’ve learned anything, it’s that we really can pay attention to two awful things at once.
Debunking the Roseanne Arguments
Because comparing this absolute unit to Trump isn’t racist (even if it’s insulting).
There Shouldn’t Be an App for That
Because consent is more slippery than a yes/no before-sex contract.