Category: Feminism
Two Surprisingly Good Takes on Sex Work by Guys
I Only Looked Away For a Second
Elle’s Guide to Surviving the Election Season (and Hopefully Electing a Democrat)
A Girl Like You Doesn’t Have Time for this Nonsense
Because self-parody is a thing, y’all.
I Sometimes Hate When I’m Right
With friends like these… [incoherent screaming]
Millenials, Minimalism, and Stuff
Why the current fad for minimalism does not “bring me joy.”
Serving Misogyny
To find out that menstruation is apparently the one aspect of femininity that is “too far” is disappointing on both a personal and an artistic level, because it shows the multiple ways in which Drag Race is not willing to expand boundaries as far as we thought.
Baby, It’s a Changing (Cultural) Climate Outside
Because we *do* need to talk about “Baby, It’s Cold Outside” every now and then.
If You Have To Do “Black Friday,” We’ve Got A Better Way
A “Buy This, Not That” article.